Elisabeth Borchert


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Publication list

Sustained FU Orionis-type outbursts from colliding discs in stellar flybys
Borchert, E. M. A. ; Price, D. J. ; Pinte, C. ; Cuello, N.
Published 12/2022 in MNRAS

On the rise times in FU Orionis events
Borchert, E. M. A. ; Price, D. J. ; Pinte, C. ; Cuello, N.
Published 02/2022 in MNRAS Letters

Synthetic CO emission and the Xco factor of young molecular clouds: a convergence study
Borchert, E. M. A. ; Walch, S. ; Seifried, D. ; Clarke, S. D. ; Franeck, A. ; Nürnberger, P.
Published 02/2022 in MNRAS

SILCC-Zoom: H2 and CO-dark gas in molecular clouds - the impact of feedback and magnetic fields
Seifried, D. ; Haid, S. ; Walch, S. ; Borchert, E. M. A. ; Bisbas, T. G.
Published 02/2020 in MNRAS

Conference talks and poster

PPVII 2023 - Kyoto (poster):

Poster award received out of ~650 presented poster

Anita workshop 2023 - Adelaide (student talk):

Runner up for best student talk
See a recording of the talk from the phantom workshop at:

ASA ASM 2022 - Hobart (poster and poster ad):

3rd place for best student poster, 3rd place for best poster ad/video.

Poster ad, turn on sound for the full effect.

Anita workshop 2022 - online (student talk):